Eggs, glorious eggs

The latest health directive suggesting that a mere 400 calories is sufficient for a hearty breakfast does not sit well on the digestive tract. Having run a farm b&b for several years, breakfast is my thing - and whereas I will always take great care over the quality of my guests' breakfast, I'm afraid I don't worry too much about how it might affect their calorie intake. Sorry. That said, eggs have got to be up there as one of the healthiest foods on the menu, and my lovely red ladies produce three creamy orange yokes every day. The shame is that the other quintessential elements of the classic farmhouse breakfast (bacon, sausage, hash brown, beans …) might tip them over the '400' edge by a small margin. No matter, with Easter round the corner most of us are more focused on chocolate eggs and just for once we can forget about calories and eat chocolate for breakfast.
Some eggy facts:
The average hen lays between 250 and 270 eggs a year but some lay more than 300
The average person on Earth consumes 173 eggs a year
Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy
To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it!
Egg yolks are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of Vitamin D
Refrigerating eggs is not necessary.

Our classic farmhouse breakfast includes freshly laid eggs from our own hens.
If you looking for Easter-Eggy activities in Norfolk, try one of the following:
From 29th March to 15th April, the Dinosaur Park is running Egg-cellent Easter, with dinosaur trails, play areas, crazy golf, an animal garden, face painting and more..
From 1st to 17th April, there is an Easter Eggstravaganza at Pensthorpe Natural Park.