Stay at home
It's not the usual message from people like me, who really want you to come and stay with us, but trust me, you don't want to be chased around the kitchen by me and my anti-bac spray right now - I'm driving my children crazy.
It's what we are all having to do, stay put. It doesn't come naturally to us, but it has to be a postive thing, for once to take time to enjoy our own space. It's great to run around, see friends and visit places, but it's good too to slow down and take stock of what is around us, to remember what we love about our own homes.

My garden doesn't know what's hit it as I've been in it most days, weeding, mowing, digging. It has taken me three years to remove two rosemary bushes that have been taking over the rosebed, and after just a couple of days I can almost see the roses puff up their chests, enjoying the light and letting out great breaths of delight.
Now, with the onset of this bitter Easterly wind, I think I will go inside and start cleaning. There's also some painting to be done where the kitchen is looking quite shabby.

The dogs of course don't know that we are exercising social isolation, and I just about managed to hide my anxiety from them when I had to hunt down the special grain-free food for my elderly Westie. I was far more relieved to find this than I ever will be to find good supplies of loo roll.
Stay safe everyone, sorry not to be seeing you.